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* 1. To which of the following organizations do you belong? (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 2. LIPA, MALLCO, and NELLCO (LMN) have a commitment to providing continuing education opportunities to our members. Please choose which of the following topics are of interest to you for continuing education. (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 3. On a scale of 1-4, please rank your preference for each option for delivery of continuing education

  1. Recorded webinars to be watched at your leisure
  2. Live webinars where you can interact with presenters and ask questions
  3. Live webinars that are recorded to also watch later
  4. In-person opportunities, such as pre-conferences, etc.

Question Title

* 4. Please specifically tell us what opportunities you’d like to see. Again, be specific! For example, if you selected “software training” above, tell us which applications, etc.

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