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* 1. Have you attended a District 64 Toastmasters Conference in the past?

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* 2. If you have attended a conference, what did you enjoyed the most?

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* 3. Do you feel you received value for your money?

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* 4. What would entice you to attend the Spring Conference?

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* 5. What speakers would you like to hear?

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* 6. What topics do you want to hear about i.e. entrepreneurship, Pathways demo, how to leverage your Toastmasters experience to a promotion at work or any other topic?

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* 7. What topics don't you want to hear about?

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* 8. What format would you prefer?

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* 9. Would you attend an after dinner dance if included in the price?

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* 10. Would you like to volunteer to help with the conference?