Thank you for your interest in the LGBTIQ+ Missing Children Youth Board. Please make sure to read the full call once, then send us your application through the form below by Sunday 9 June 2024 at 23:59 CEST (extended deadline).

For any questions, please contact IGLYO's Programmes Manager Viola (she/her) at
About you

Question Title

* 1. First name

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* 2. Last name

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* 3. Pronouns (optional)

E.g. She/her, They/them, She/They, etc.

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* 4. Your email address

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* 5. Repeat your email address

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* 6. Your birth date

We are asking for your date of birth because, to apply for this call, you need to be between 18-24 years old at the time of application.


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* 7. Your organisation

Write N.A. if you do not work for any organisation.

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* 8. Job title/Occupation

NB: If you are self-employed or not employed, write the occupation that fits you best (e.g. student, researcher, consultant, etc.).

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* 9. Country of residence

Please note that you have to reside in Europe to be eligible for this call.

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* 10. City of residence

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* 11. How well do you understand and can express yourself in English?

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* 12. Do you belong to a community or several communities within or outside the LGBTIQ+ community that you feel is/are marginalised, underrepresented, or underprivileged?

To ensure diversity and representation in the Youth Board, applicants with intersectional marginalised identities will be prioritised in the selection process. These can include but are not limited to ​underrepresented groups and communities such as young women, trans youth (including non-binary), intersex youth, young people from Black communities, other communities of colour and ethnic minorities, refugees/migrants, sex workers, disabled youth (including neurodivergent youth), young people living with HIV, and fat young people.

Your application

Question Title

* 13. What is your motivation to join the LGBTIQ+ Missing Youth Board? (Max 500 words)

Based on what you’ve read in the call, please let us know why you would like to support us with this project, and why you are the ideal person to contribute to this project.

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* 14. As part of this call, we are looking for LGBTIQ+ young people who have experience of having been homeless, having run away, or having been forced to leave home before turning 18 years old. This can also include having been forced to live with other relatives or friends, having been in the care of social services or foster care, having been abducted/trafficked, and/or having been an unaccompanied asylum seeker. Knowing this, can you briefly describe how your personal experience relates to this project? (Max 300 words)

Please note that you do not have to go into details into your personal experience if you do not wish to. Only write what you are comfortable telling us about. None of the information you provide will be shared outside the recruiting panel. What matters most to us is to understand how your personal experience can positively impact other LGBTIQ+ children and young people at risk.

Additional information on your experience
Below are some additional questions to help us to assess your expertise in the different working areas of the project, but please do not worry too much about them, as what matters most in this application is the motivation and personal experience you described above.

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* 15. Please order the areas of work below in order of expertise, the top one being the one in which you have the most experience and expertise.

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* 16. The Youth Board will be involved in co-producing the project’s research survey and interview guide, and will help to compile the online resource hub for LGBTIQ+ children at risk of being homeless, running away or being forced to leave their home. With this in mind, please briefly let us know about your experience carrying out research and advocacy activities. If you do not have any relevant experience in this field, you can say so as well, it will not impact your application. (Max 200 words)

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* 17. The Youth Board will be involved in co-producing an online training for professionals, aimed to equip service providers with the knowledge needed to adapt their services to the specific needs of LGBTIQ+ children at risk of being homeless, running away or being forced to leave their home. With this in mind, please briefly let us know about your experience in taking part in the organisation of programmes and events. If you do not have any relevant experience in this field, you can say so as well, it will not impact your application. (Max 200 words)

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* 18. The Youth Board will be involved in co-producing and disseminating the social media campaign (including visual posts and a short video) based on the project’s results. Please briefly let us know about your experience contributing to communications and online campaigns. If you do not have any relevant experience in this field, you can say so as well, it will not impact your application. (Max 200 words)

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* 19. By submitting your application, you certify that you are between 18 and 24 years old at the time of this application.