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Te Mana o te Aromatawai - Te Puāwaitanga Harakeke

Ko te tikanga o tēnei rangahau he āwhina i Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga ki te whakapiki i tana whakawhitiwhiti kōrero ki ngā kaiako me ngā kura.
Kia mōhio anō, e tika, e hāngai anō hoki ngā kaupapa me ngā rauemi kei Te Paerangi Kaiako ki ngā hiahia a ngā kaiako.
He āwhina nui tō tākoha mai. Ngā mihi.

This survey is to help the Ministry of Education to improve our communication with Kaiako and Kura. We want to ensure that what we provide for Teacher Only Day is suitable, fit for purpose for Kaiako.

Your contribution would be much appreciated. Ngā mihi.

Question Title

* 3. He aha ētahi atu kōrero hei whakauru mai hei tautoko i tō kura? Hei tauira, kia nui ake te tautoko mō te whakatinana i ngā ara whakaako whai tikanga ki ngā mahi aromatawai
What further content could be included to support your kura? Eg. More support around implementing aromatawai approaches and practices.

Question Title

* 4. He kōrero, he whakaaro, he huatau rānei āu mō ngā rauemi ka hiahia tuari ki a mātou mō Te Paerangi Kaiako?
Are there any other comments, ideas or suggestions about the resources that you would like to share with us?

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