Welcome to My Survey

This survey is being conducted as part of an investigation into the development of agriculture in Renmark led at the University of Adelaide by Associate Professor Douglas Bardsley, Professor Guy Robinson and Bingjie Song. We are interested in how agriculture in Renmark is increasingly fulfilling multiple outcomes in addition to producing food and fibre. All respondents will receive a summary of the research results and copies of all publications produced from the research. Chief benefits to farmers/growers will be the researchers' analysis of risks and the responses to risk, information about trends in the industry in the local region and the changing nature of the local rural economy, which may help identify opportunities for future business direction and targeting of future policy support.

This survey requires some thought but should only take 15-20 minutes, and if there are any questions that you do not wish to answer feel free to leave them blank. If you agree to complete the survey, your submission of a survey response is considered as your consent to participate in the study and that you have read and understood the above information. If you have any questions or concerns please get in touch (Email: bingjie.song@adelaide.edu.au).
4% of survey complete.