Review of Teignbridge DC Public Toilets 2024

1.Which of the following best describes you - tick all that apply to you :(Required.)
2.Which, if any, of the following public toilets have you used in the last 12 months? Please select all that apply.(Required.)
3.From the list, which of Teignbridge's public toilets is most important to you?(Required.)
4.Do you also use other toilet facilities when they are available to you ?(e.g. shops, cafes, restaurants.)(Required.)
5.Would you be prepared to pay to use a Teignbridge public toilet?(Required.)
6.If you used a Teignbridge toilet was it well maintained?(Required.)
7.Was it clean ?
8.If you answered No to Q6 or Q7 please give short explanation
9.If you have used alternative facilities, have you experienced difficulty in accessing or using these toilets?(Required.)
10.If yes, please give a short explanation
11.Are there any needs or requirements for your use of public toilets that you think should be considered as part of this review?
12.If you own a business in Teignbridge, would you be prepared to open your toilet to members of the public?
13.If yes,please could you provide us with a location and contact details? Data protection - Teignbridge District Council
About You: Please help ensure a wide ranging sample of responses from our residents and visitors by completing the optional questions below.
14.Are you ?(Required.)
15.Your age?(Required.)
16.Do you have a long term, limiting illness or condition?(Required.)
17.If yes, please describe your illness or condition.
Thank you. Please press "Done" to send your response