About the Learning from Lived Experience (LfLE) Suicide Prevention Project:
The Learning from Lived Experience (LfLE) Project involves interviewing people and creating shareable video and written content. People interviewed will have lived/living experience of crisis and distress that includes experiencing suicidal thoughts or living with a suicidal 'part', surviving a suicide attempt/s or surviving the suicide of a loved one.

The conversations will focus on times of crisis/distress and any support received. We want to know what helped, what harmed, and what people hope for in the future around these experiences and the types of help or support that is available.

This specific focus was chosen as people frequently share that service responses in times of crisis are inadequate and even compound the distress they are experiencing.

Alternatives to hospital emergency departments and current responses need to be found; we know that people with lived experience have resilience and strength and can provide valuable insights in designing, leading and evaluating mental health services.

In addition to the resources created, information obtained through the project will be used by LELAN in our advocacy efforts for supporting people experiencing distress and through crisis better.

About the Video Interviews:

We are looking for people with lived/living experience of crisis and distress that includes experiencing suicidal thoughts or living with a suicidal 'part', surviving a suicide attempt/s or surviving the suicide of a loved one to be filmed sharing parts of their story. Video content will take a similar format to ABC's "You Can't Ask That" with participants answering targeted questions around their experience. See here and here for examples. 

Video interviews will take place in the Adelaide CBD every Friday in August 2020. There is some flexibility available to allow for the inclusion of interviewees who live in rural, regional or remote SA. LELAN will be adhering to public health advice from the State and Federal governments' regarding COVID19. 
LELAN are committed to safe and purposeful storytelling aligned with our purpose of amplifying the voice, influence and leadership of people with lived experience to drive systemic change. More detailed information around consent, safety and confidentiality can be found here.

Further enquiries can be made by emailing info@lelan.org.au.    

LELAN are currently accepting Expressions of Interest from people willing to be filmed and involved in this project. These will be reviewed and responded to regularly until all filming spots in August are filled. We expect to receive more applications than interview places so advise that you get in early.

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* 1. Your details:

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* 2. Some information about the way you identify (please tick as many as apply):

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* 3. Tell us about your lived/living experience with crisis and distress (please tick as many as apply):

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* 4. LELAN is committed to 'safe and purposeful storytelling', what does this mean to you?
(Please include why this is important and if you have had any experience sharing your story or hopes for doing so)

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* 5. The focus of the video content will be around times of distress and/or crisis related to suicide and what helped, harmed or could have been done better. What do you think we will uncover by asking these questions? Will there be a common theme?

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* 6. Thinking back to your own experience of mental health crisis and/or distress did you find the support available to you ...

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* 7. Why do you think it is important that we start to talk in different ways about responding to crisis/distress (suicide prevention and support) in South Australia?

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* 8. If you could suggest one radical or innovative idea for how to improve things for people experiencing distress or mental health issues in South Australia what would you suggest?

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* 9. We know that talking about past experiences of suicide can leave us feeling heavy. Even when we have had experience sharing our story, there can still be rawness and discomfort there. Is there anything that will make your involvement in this project easier or more comfortable?

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* 10. If you were chosen to be interviewed what is your preference for filming?

Thank you for completing this Expression of Interest form. Please allow two weeks to hear from us regarding next steps. If you have any questions in the meantime please email us via info@lelan.org.au .