Potential LLP Applicants - Survey of Intent

Interested in becoming a Licensed Legal Paraprofessional in Colorado?

Please fill out this survey to help us plan the mandatory ethics class and exam!  Your name and email address will not be publicly released.  Also - this is NOT an application or pledge to apply.  Please check back for an official application.
1.What is your name?
2.What is your email address?
3.When do you plan to sit for the LLP Exam?
4.An LLP ethics class must be completed before taking the LLP exam. Assuming that you can take such a class remotely on a schedule that will work for you, when do you hope to take this mandatory class?
5.Where do you live (city)?
6.Where are you currently employed (optional to respond)?
7.Do you plan to obtain additional education before taking the LLP Exam?  If so, what additional education are you seeking?
8.Are you considering obtaining additional family law experience prior to applying to become an LLP?