Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Survey

The City of Bangor, Maine is preparing the Five-Year Consolidated Plan that outlines housing and community development needs and strategies for using Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (U.S. HUD). The plan will cover the period from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2025.

The purpose of the CDBG funds is to provide housing, economic opportunities, and a suitable living environment principally for low- and moderate-income persons. We would like you to provide your perspective of the critical needs in the community, and to prioritize needs for the following categories: Housing; Community Services; Economic Development; and Public Facilities. This feedback will be used to help the City structure its Community Development Block Grant for the next five years.

This survey is intended for Bangor residents and other local stakeholders, such as business owners and agencies providing housing and community services to low- and moderate-income residents.

Completing the survey should take you about 10 minutes.

Please rate the importance of the following issues on a scale of 1-High Importance, 2-Moderate Importance, or 3-Low Importance.
1.Qualified Homeowner Rehabilitation
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
2.Home Ownership Assistance
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
3.Affordable Rental Housing
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
4.Home modification for Handicapped Access, Energy Efficiency, Lead Abatement
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
5.Housing Code Enforcement
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
6.Housing Placement Coordination
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
7.Homeless Services
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
8.Other (Please describe)
Community Services
9.Services for Seniors & Veterans
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
10.Services for Children & Youth
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
11.Services for the Disabled
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
12.Services for Victims of Domestic Violence
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
13.Services for Alcohol & Drug Abuse, and Mental Health
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
14.Childcare Facilitation
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
15.Financial Literacy & Homeownership Counseling
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
16.Internet Access
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
17.Historic Preservation
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
18.Transportation Services
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
19.Other (Please describe)
Economic Development
20.Small Business Loans
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
21.Technical Assistance to Businesses
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
22.Job Training & Placement
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
23.Commercial Façade Renovations & Improvements
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
24.Other (Please describe)
Public Facilities/Improvements
25.Parks & Recreational Facilities
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
26.Community Centers or Similar Facilities
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
27.Senior Centers
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
28.Youth Centers
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
29.Handicapped Accessibility
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
30.Street & Sidewalk Improvements
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
31.Streetscape Improvements
High Importance
Moderate Importance
Low Importance
32.Other (Please describe)
If you have any problems taking the survey, please contact Tyler Collins at (207) 992-4280 or

All responses are due by Friday, April 3, 2020