• English
  • Español

Welcome to the Lifelong Learning University Assessment

Thank you for taking part in this important survey. Your input is invaluable in helping us understand where your institution stands in terms of lifelong learning commitment and programming.

Key Information:
  • Time commitment: This survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
  • Collaboration encouraged: We request only one completed assessment per institution. However, please feel free to collaborate with your colleagues beforehand to ensure the most accurate responses. A PDF version of the entire assessment is available for download here to assist you in this process: [English] [Spanish].
  • Contact information: If you have any questions or need assistance while completing the survey, please reach out to sello@lifelonglearninguniversity.com.

We appreciate your time and effort in providing us with this valuable information. Your responses will contribute significantly to our understanding and enhancement of lifelong learning initiatives.

Thank you for your participation!