We are asking you to complete the following survey if your child has received Extended School Year (ESY) services.  Disability Law Colorado has heard that many school districts are not providing individualized ESY services, but are instead offering a standard one-size-fits-all program.  Disability Law Colorado will use the data you provide in our effort to curb this practice.  If you are responding to this on behalf of more than one child, please complete a separate survey for each child.  Please know that by submitting this data, you are not requesting individual representation by Disability Law Colorado, so we will not be reviewing your case for individual representation.  If you would like individual representation on a special education issue, you will need to go through our intake process. More information regarding intake is available at https://disabilitylawco.org/we-may-be-able-help-you or (303) 722-0300. 

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* 1. Name of person completing this survey (optional):

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* 2. Email of person completing this survey (optional):

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* 3. Phone number of person completing this survey (optional):

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* 4. Child's age in years:

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* 5. Child's Gender:

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* 6. Does the child have an educational surrogate parent?

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* 7. Is the child in foster care?

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* 8. Child's disability (please check all that apply):

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* 9. Does the child have an IEP and/or 504 Plan?  Please select all that apply:

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* 11. Which summers did your child receive ESY?

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* 13. Please briefly describe your child's ESY services for the most recent two (2) years:

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* 14. On average, throughout their school career, how many hours per week has your child received ESY services?

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* 15. On average throughout their school career, how many days per week did your child receive ESY services?

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* 16. On average throughout their school career, how many weeks of ESY services did your child receive?

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* 17. For the most recent summer in which the student received ESY, how many hours per week did your child receive ESY services?

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* 18. For the most recent summer in which the student received ESY, how many days per week did your child receive ESY services?

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* 19. For the most recent summer in which the student received ESY, how many weeks of ESY services did your child receive?

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* 20. If you child attended less than a full day, when did your child attend ESY programming in the most recent summer session?

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* 21. What types of things did your child do during ESY programming?  Please check all that apply:

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* 22. Did your child have any interaction with peers without disabilities during their ESY programming?

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* 23. Who determined what your child's ESY services would be?

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* 24. Have you ever been told by school district staff that they only have 1 ESY program (one-size-fits-all) that they are able to offer your child?  Please select all that apply:

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* 25. Have you ever been told by school district staff that they do NOT individualize ESY programming? Please select all that apply:

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* 26. If your child has ever been denied ESY services when you felt they were appropriate, please briefly describe the reasons given by the IEP team as to why they rejected ESY for your child:

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* 27. Is there anything else you think we should know about your experience with ESY?