1. Introduction

4% of survey complete.
2024 theme is Outer Space - We encourage all to embrace the theme when planning for the event.

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Last year, over 2000 adults and children attended the event, which features performances, activity areas, information booths, food vans, and more. This year's event will take place on Saturday 10 August from 10am to 2pm at the Gympie Show Pavilion and grounds.

Little Kids Day Out is a free event promoting healthy child development in Gympie Region, connect with local families and service providers in a fun play-based environment.

Use this form to apply to provide free activities, information booths, displays, food vendors, perform and/or make large 3D art pieces and decorate walking track squares (1.1mx1.1m).
All activities are free - All providers to supply materials required.

Strict policy against selling or distributing sugary foods/drinks during the event.

Food vendors asked to donate $30 or 10% of profits (up to $100).

Don't miss this opportunity to connect with local families and service providers in a fun play-based environment. Submit your proposal now and we will confirm your acceptance as soon as possible.

We are distributing 2000 child bags for the children to carry their artwork and creating 700 parent sleeves for flyers. If you are attending or not attending the event you can drop off 700 flyers two weeks before the event.

If you are attending we recommend you distribute your child gifts from your site.
(Please remember NO LOLLIES are allowed to be distributed.)

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* 1. Contact details

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* 2. Upload your logo and we will place it on www.littlekidsdayout.org.au webpage

PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

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* 3. Facebook link e.g https://www.facebook.com/littlekidsdayoutgympie

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* 4. Webpage link e.g https://www.littlekidsdayoutgympie.org.au

We will email you a promo image and short blurb for your newsletter.

Please LIKE our Facebook page Little Kids Day Out Gympie and share the event posts.

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* 5. SCHOOLS/EARLY LEARNING CENTRES ONLY - Are we able to display our banner on your fence?

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* 6. Choose one option below that best describes your organisation/business. The next page will allow you to choose multiple ways to be involved.