Downtown Parking Study Review
What is the most interesting thing you learned from the Parking Study?
Which of the study recommendations do you feel would be most effective to improve the downtown parking experience? Pick three.
Improve wayfinding and signage for public parking
Install parking space availability signs in parking garages - making parking vacancy data available in real time
Creating fewer and more consistent parking time restrictions
Establish pick-up/drop-off locations
Enforce existing code violations more strictly
Install metered parking on major streets
Install more electric vehicle charging stations
Improvements to the 1st Street parking garage - Creating access to northern elevators from 2nd and 3rd levels
Expand public parking supply by partnering with privately-owned existing lots to create shared lots
Improve alternative transportation options - More sidewalks and bike paths
Implement a downtown trolley service
Is there a particular recommendation that you think would best improve the downtown parking experience? Please explain.
Is there a particular recommendation that you think the City should NOT implement? Please explain.
Is there a potential parking solution that the study did not discuss that you feel should have been?
Is there anything else that you want the City to know about the downtown parking experience?