Youth Court Satisfaction Survey 2022

1.How likely is it that you would recommend the Youth Court Program to a friend or family member who is in a similar situation to you?
Not at all likely
Extremely Likely
2.What is Youth Court Program good at?
3.What could the Youth Court Program do better?
4.Overall, how well has the Youth Court Program met your needs?
5.Do you feel the Youth Court staff treated you with respect?
6.The Youth Court staff was understanding of my life experiences.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Disagree nor Agree
Strongly Agree
7.I felt safe participating in the Youth Court Program.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Disagree nor Agree
Strongly Agree
8.I feel my voice was heard while participating in the Youth Court Program.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Disagree nor Agree
Strongly Agree
9.I feel the recommendation from Youth Court is fair.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Disagree nor Agree
Strongly Agree
10.Because of the Youth Court Program, I am able to think differently about the choices I make.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Disagree nor Agree
Strongly Agree
11.What is your age?
12.What is your gender?
13.What is your race?
14.What is your ethnicity? 
Current Progress,
0 of 14 answered