Paranormal Skeptics/Non-Believers - Survey

1.Just to make sure that you are on the right survey, are you a skeptic/non-believer when it comes to the paranormal? (If not, go back to original post and click on the other link)
2.Are you religious? 
3.When watching paranormal based films/tv shows how does you're skeptic/non-believer view affect you're ability to watch them? For example: do you find it easier to watch these movies because of your non-belief or skeptic view of the paranormal?
4.Do you see anything peculiar in this photo? if so, what and where? Midsommer
5.Do you see anything peculiar in this photo? if so, what and where? Haunting of Hill House
6.And what about this image? if so, what and where? Halloween
7.(Please be lenient) Have you ever had any 'ghostly' experiences at home? If so, how did you're non-belief/skeptic view affect you?
8.(Extension for question 7) If your religious, how did your religious belief also affect you with this 'ghostly' experience?
9.Have you had gone on a paranormal investigation? If so, how did you're non-belief/skeptic view affect you?
10.(Extension for question 9) If your religious, how did your religious belief also affect you with this 'ghostly' experience?