Atlantic Union GLEANER Readership Survey Question Title * 1. How often do you typically read the Gleaner magazine? Every issue Most issues Occasional issues Never read an issue Question Title * 2. What is your preferred method of receiving news and information from the Atlantic Union Conference? (check all that apply) In print (Gleaner) Social media Websites E-mail Local church (bulletin, announcements, word of mouth) Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. If there were additional content from the Gleaner available only online, how likely are you to visit the website to read it? Very likely Likely No opinion Unlikely Very unlikely Question Title * 4. Please rate the quality of the Gleaner magazine on the following: Excellent Good Average Poor Very poor No Opinion Content Content Excellent Content Good Content Average Content Poor Content Very poor Content No Opinion Cover Cover Excellent Cover Good Cover Average Cover Poor Cover Very poor Cover No Opinion Ease of reading Ease of reading Excellent Ease of reading Good Ease of reading Average Ease of reading Poor Ease of reading Very poor Ease of reading No Opinion Layout & Design Layout & Design Excellent Layout & Design Good Layout & Design Average Layout & Design Poor Layout & Design Very poor Layout & Design No Opinion Photography Photography Excellent Photography Good Photography Average Photography Poor Photography Very poor Photography No Opinion Writing style Writing style Excellent Writing style Good Writing style Average Writing style Poor Writing style Very poor Writing style No Opinion Question Title * 5. Please indicate your agreement with this statement: "The Gleaner magazine is achieving its mission to 'faithfully chronicle the work and progress of the church in the Atlantic Union territory and inform, instruct, and inspire our church members.' " Strongly agree Agree No opinion Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 6. Finish the statement: The Gleaner magazine... (check all that apply) serves as a source of information to better serve my church and community. helps me to feel more in touch with Adventists in the Atlantic Union Conference. encourages me to do more to serve the Lord. provides useful information for ministry or my personal life. encourages me in my personal walk with the Lord. Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Finish this statement: The Gleaner magazine... (check all that apply) does not address topics of interest to me. does not reflect my experiences. is not useful for me in my ministry. Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. What suggestions do you have for improving the Gleaner magazine? Question Title * 9. What would you like to see more of in the Gleaner magazine? (check all that apply) News Feature stories Editorials Health-related information Church history Articles by student writers Reviews of resources/technology Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. What actions have you taken as a result of reading the Gleaner magazine? (check all that apply) Approached a church/school leader with a suggestion/idea Attended an event Wrote and submitted an article about something positive my church/school did Visited the magazine’s website ( Visited the Atlantic Union Conference website ( Wrote a letter/e-mail to an institution featured in an article Donated to an institution featured in an article Volunteered for a ministry or activity Told someone about what I read Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. What conference currently holds your church membership? Bermuda Greater New York New York Northeastern Northern New England Southern New England Question Title * 12. Are you... Male Female Question Title * 13. Please check your age category. Under 24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-80 81+ Question Title * 14. Do you subscribe to the GleanerFYI weekly e-newsletter? Yes No Please sign me up (provide e-mail address below) Done