New Employee Orientation (NEO)

Question Title

* 1. Please rate the following presentations:

  Poor Needs Improvement Neutral Good Excellent
Day 1 Welcome and Introductions -Kathryn Carter
FDACS Values and Activity - Aaron Taylor
Department Overview - Kathryn Carter
FLAG Credit Union - Barbara Rash
Florida Retirement System - Diane Spearin
All About AgAcademy - Charlie Goodlet III
Public Records - Matthew Jones
Power of Emotional Intelligence and Resiliency - Julie Wood
True Colors - Aaron Taylor and Kathryn Carter
Closing Remarks - Kathryn Carter
Day 2 Cracker Cattle Tour - Dr. Fisch and Doyle Hill
Welcome - Kathryn Carter
Business Etiquette Basics - Christopher Green
Division Meet and Greet - Jennifer Dobbs and Kathryn Carter
Graduation and Close-out - Kathryn Carter

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* 2. Please provide any specific feedback you have on the NEO presentations.

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* 3. What did you enjoy the most about NEO?

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* 4. What did you enjoy the least?

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* 5. What additional topics would you like to see addressed at New Employee Orientation?

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* 6. Please describe your on-boarding experience. Did your division/office personnel liaison assist you? Were you taken on a tour of your workplace?

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* 7. Please list any additional comments, questions or concerns. 

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* 8. If you would like a member of the training staff to contact you, please provide your contact information.