Exit this survey Doctor Who Season 6 Episodes 'The God Complex' Question Title * 1. Please provide your name (first name or pseudonym is fine - this will be used in publised and unpublished results) Name: Question Title * 2. Please indicate your age within the ranges listed below 17 or under 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56 or over Question Title * 3. What is your gender Male Female Other, or prefer not to say Question Title * 4. What is the highest level of qualifications you have obtained? No formal qualifications GCSEs or equivalent 'A' Levels or equivalent First degree (BA or BSc) Higher degree (Masters, MPhil or PhD) Other Professional qualification Question Title * 5. Please rate the Season 6 Doctor Who episode 'The God Complex' on a scale from 1-10, 1 being poor and 10 being excellent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Question Title * 6. Why did you rate 'The God Complex' as you did? Question Title * 7. What did you think to the use of the Minotaur in the episode? Question Title * 8. Had you heard of the Minotaur before watching the episode? Yes No Question Title * 9. If you stated that you had heard of the Minotaur before please summarise what you know about this monster Question Title * 10. Where did you obtain this information about the Minotaur? Please tick all that apply Primary School Secondary School Further or Higher Education Books on mythology aimed at children Books on mythology aimed at adults Websites Film and/or television Can't remember Other I did not know anything about the Minotaur Done