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* 1. To what degree is transportation to and from work a concern for your employees?

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* 2. To what degree does transportation limit your hiring options?

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* 3. To what degree would increased transportation options positively affect your business?

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* 4. How many of your employees have transportation concerns? (estimate)

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* 5. How many employees do you lose each year because of transportation issues? (estimate)

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* 6. How many of your employees use the following methods to get to work? (estimate)

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* 7. Are employees required to have a driver's license for employment?

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* 8. Do employees need a personal vehicle to utilize for work duties (visiting off-site locations, etc.)?

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* 9. How often do your employees take time off from work to: (estimate total work hours lost per month for each category below)

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* 10. What suggestions do you have to improve employee transportation?

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* 11. Please tell us about yourself:

Thank you for your feedback.  If you would like to learn more about the FAMS Employment Transportation Committee please call Jenny Biche at (540) 829-7450 or at