Topics of Interest

Hello friends, students, clients, mentors, and mentees. I am reaching out to you in hopes of hearing your voice. You have all to varying degrees played a role in my development and growth. I too hopefully, to some capacity, have done the same for you.

With that said this simple survey serves as a powerful opportunity for you to help me get your perspective on how I can better serve each of you and the greater world. I have listed topics below of which I have acquired a significant amount of knowledge over the years. What I want to know from you is which of these are most interesting and most relevant to the types of changes you are desiring to make in your life right now. There is no wrong answer so answer each questions according to your level of interest.

Thank you so much for taking the time to help me out so that I can better live out my purpose. 

If you want more information on what I've been up to feel free to check out my website



Question Title

* 1. Rate your level of interest in lessons or courses on these topics.

  Not at all interested Slightly interested Moderately interested Very Interested Extremely Interested
How to improve your motivation in work
How to create a vision for your life and align your life's work to it
How to break bad habits
How to be intrinsically motivated
How to build a thriving culture in your business or family
How to create a morning practices to improve your day and life 
How to reduce fear and make it your friend and healthy motivator
How to improve your life outlook through exercise
How to meditate at your level without overwhelming yourself
How to change your negative thinking patterns
How to improve your motivation in health
How stop yourself from giving up in anything
How to truly communicate better

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* 2. Please list any areas, not mentioned above, that you have experienced improvement because of my course, training, coaching, or friendship . (Note: Please share—If it helped you, it will help someone else)

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* 3. Right now are there other specific topics that you are truly interested in that you would like to learn more about regarding human improvement and development? (health, life, psychology, motivation, inspiration, books absolutely anything that comes to mind)

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* 4. Which of these teaching modes are more appealing to you? (Rank)

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* 5. Demographic Information

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* 6. Any other questions or comments