JOHNSON’S® FACE CARE Question Title * 1. Please fill in your information Full Name BB Username Daytime Street Address Address 2 City/Town State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Country Email Address Phone Number Question Title * 2. How old are you? Under 18 18-21 22-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46- 50 51-60 Over 60 Question Title * 3. What ethnicity are you? Asian Black Coloured Indian White Other Question Title * 4. Are you active on social media? Yes No Question Title * 5. Which social media platform/s do you actively utilise on a daily basis? Facebook Instagram Personal website/blog Twitter YouTube None Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Would you be willing to upload a video of JOHNSON’S ® FACE CARE to social media? Yes No Question Title * 7. How often do you complete your basic skincare regime? Once a week 2-3 times per week 4 times per week Daily Twice a day More than twice a day Question Title * 8. How many different products form part of your daily skincare regime? 1 2 3 4 5 6 More than 6 Question Title * 9. Which three skincare products do you use regularly? Cleanser Eye cream Eye serum Exfoliator Facial moisturiser Facial serum Masque Toner Facial oil Question Title * 10. Which skincare brands do you use regularly? Avon Eucerin Garnier Johnson’s L’oreal Neutrogena Nivea Olay Ponds Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. Are you familiar with JOHNSON’S ® FACE CARE? Yes No Question Title * 12. If YES, how did you first hear about JOHNSON’S ® FACE CARE? Friends In store Magazine Online Other (please specify) Question Title * 13. Have you used or are you currently using JOHNSON’S ® FACE CARE products? Yes No Question Title * 14. If YES, which JOHNSON’S ® FACE CARE range/s have you or are you using? JOHNSON’S ® Daily Essentials for DRY SKIN JOHNSON’S ® Daily Essentials for NORMAL SKIN JOHNSON’S ® Hydration Essentials JOHNSON’S ® Even Complexion JOHNSON’S ® Oil Control Other (please specify) Question Title * 15. If you HAVE NOT used JOHNSON’S FACE CARE products before, please specify why not: Cannot find a product within the range to suit my skin Do not identify with advertising/marketing campaigns Loyal to another skincare brand Too expensive Unattractive packaging Question Title * 16. Which word/s best describe your complexion / skin type? Acne-prone Combination Damaged Dehydrated Dry Normal Oily Reactive Resilient Sensitive Shiny Stressed Other (please specify) Question Title * 17. What are your top three skincare concerns? Acne Aging Blotchiness Dehydration Dryness Enlarged pores Excess shine Fine lines Oiliness Pigmentation Uneven skin tone Wrinkles Question Title * 18. Which environmental stressors is your skin exposed to most often? Air conditioning Heating Pollution Smoke Sun Wind Other (please specify) Question Title * 19. What daily lifestyle challenges do you face? Time constraints Following a healthy diet Making time for exercise Multi-tasking Finances Balancing work and social life Getting ahead professionally Question Title * 20. Do you usually purchase skin care products yourself? Yes No Question Title * 21. On average, how much money do you spend on skin care products per month? Less than R50 R50-R100 R100-R200 R200-R300 R300-R400 R400-R500 R500-R800 R800-R1000 Over R1000 Question Title * 22. Why do you feel you are an ideal candidate to showcase your JOHNSON’S ® FACE CARE regime? Provide three reasons below. Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 Question Title * 23. Which JOHNSON’S ® FACE CARE product range would you most like to showcase (please specify one): JOHNSON’S ® Daily Essentials for DRY SKIN JOHNSON’S ® Daily Essentials for NORMAL SKIN JOHNSON’S ® Hydration Essentials JOHNSON’S ® Even Complexion JOHNSON’S ® Oil Control Question Title * 24. USAGE RIGHTS DISCLAIMER: If I am selected to participate in this Product Review Club I will allow Beauty Bulletin, JOHNSON’S ® and their advertising/marketing agencies full access to and full usage of all written, photographic or video material that I produce. Agree Disagree Done