Guernsey Firework Survey 2025/6 - designed by GSPCA all feedback welcomed Question Title * 1. What are your views on firework laws in Guernsey? Too strict About right Not strict enough Not sure Question Title * 2. Are you a pet owner? Yes No Rather not say Question Title * 3. If a pet owner has your animal suffered due to fireworks this year and if so please give details? No Rather not say If yes please give feedback Question Title * 4. Have you or anyone you know suffered due to fireworks from such as PTSD or similar this year and if so please give details? No Rather not say If yes please give feedback Question Title * 5. Did you know about the States of Guernsey firework notification system No Rather not say If yes please give feedback Question Title * 6. Have you seen any wildlife that have suffered due to fireworks this year and if so please give details? No Rather not say If yes please give feedback Question Title * 7. Please select from the following We should ban all firework events We should just have public organised authorised event We should leave the rules in place we have for fireworks The rules are too strict Not sure Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. Any other thoughts, comments or positive ideas Done