Renovating the Nature Center at Lake St. Clair Metropark

The Huron-Clinton Metroparks will be conducting a feasibility study later this summer to better understand how we can renovate the Nature Center at Lake St. Clair Metropark to better suit our visitors’ needs.
In addition to the Nature Center, our Natural Resources Department will also be starting a phased restoration project in the natural area behind the Nature Center. The project will primarily address the large percent of cottonwood trees in the Lake St Clair Marsh that have died due to high water levels and natural old age of the species. This summer, the Natural Resources Department will begin a multi-year project to fell and remove the dead cottonwoods and plant a diverse selection of trees in their place. By selecting several species for replacement, it will create a landscape more resilient to tree pests and effects of climate change.

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* 1. How often do you currently visit the Nature Center at Lake St. Clair Metropark?

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* 2. What do you need onsite when you visit a nature center? (Select all that apply)

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* 3. What do you like best about the Nature Center at Lake St. Clair Metropark?

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* 4. What would you really love to see or do at the Nature Center at Lake St. Clair Metropark?

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* 5. What kinds of exhibits are you most likely to participate in? (Select all that apply)

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* 6. Why don't you currently visit the Nature Center at Lake St. Clair Metropark? (Select all that apply)

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* 7. How do you usually connect to nature?

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* 8. What kinds of experiences and programs would encourage you to become a repeat visitor? (Select all that apply)

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* 9. Which of these theme statements resonates most with you as a park visitor?

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* 10. What is your zip code?

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* 11. What is your race/ethnicity? (Select all that apply)

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* 12. What is your gender?

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* 13. Do you have a disability?