The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. Thank you for sharing your input. 

Question Title

* 1. How long have you been attending (in-person or virtually) The First United Methodist Church of LaGrange?

Question Title

* 2. During the previous four weeks, how often have you viewed our VIRTUAL (via web or social media) worship services?

Question Title

* 3. During the previous four weeks, how often have attended IN-PERSON worship services?

Question Title

* 4. During the previous four weeks, how often have you listened to our worship services on the RADIO?

Question Title

* 5. Overall, how satisfied are you with our church?

Question Title

* 6. What is your preferred Sunday worship style?

Question Title

* 7. Music during modern worship is balanced in quality and quantity.

Question Title

* 8. Music during modern worship encourages participation by congregation.

Question Title

* 9. Music during traditional worship is balanced in quality and quantity.

Question Title

* 10. Music during traditional worship encourages participation by congregation.

Question Title

* 11. What do you think our church does well?  What is our primary strength?

Question Title

* 12. What do you think is the greatest challenge facing our church?

Question Title

* 13. In your opinion, should the church be putting more, the same, or less emphasis on the following:

  Much more Somewhat more About the same Somewhat less Much less
Sharing our faith
Small group interactions
Families with children
Youth Ministry
College Ministry
Older Adults
Community Outreach
Global Missions
Embracing Diversity

Question Title

* 14. How likely are you to recommend this church to the following groups?

  Definitely would Probably would Maybe Probably would not Definitely would not
Families with children
Families with teens
Single or divorced adults
Married couples
Adults 65 or older
Unchurched adults
Families of other ethnic groups

Question Title

* 15. If you would hesitate to recommend this church to any group, please explain why.

Question Title

* 16. How likely are you to continue attending this church (virtually and/or in-person)?

Question Title

* 17. Do you feel your spiritual life is stronger now than it was one year ago?

Question Title

* 18. How can The First United Methodist Church of LaGrange better serve your spiritual needs?

Question Title

* 19. In the past six months, have you invited any friends, neighbors, or newcomers to visit our church or to participate in our virtual worship services?

Question Title

* 20. What do you think would make the church more attractive to newcomers and others in the community as their spiritual home?

Question Title

* 21. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neutral Somewhat disagree Strongly Disagree
Worship at FUMC of LaGrange is an exciting spiritual experience.
Visitors find our church to be welcoming.
I support the vision/direction of our church.
This church values my participation.
This church helps me grow in my spiritual journey.
The church reaches out to people with different backgrounds.
This church is a good steward of my monetary gifts.

Question Title

* 22. What would you prioritize in identifying new outreach opportunities?

  Very important Somewhat important Neutral Not important
Proximity to church
Opportunities to build long term relationships with those we serve
Participation of children and youth
Creates opportunities for hands-on service
Manageable time commitment for volunteer participation

Question Title

* 23. How enthusiastic are you about supporting our current outreach and mission projects?

  Very enthusiastic Somewhat enthusiastic Neutral Somewhat unenthusiastic Do not know enough about the program.
Soup Kitchen
Meals on Wheels
Blessings in a Bookbag
School Encouragers
School Shepherds
Community Care Prescription Medication Program
Warren Temple Food Distribution
Salvation Army Angels
LaGrange Personal Aid Benevolence Fund & Holiday Turkeys

Question Title

* 24. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
I am welcomed as my authentic self.
I am personally included.
I am able to use my talents to help LaGrange First Methodist succeed.
People of diverse backgrounds are valued.
I have meaningful relationships with others within the church.
I would invite others to worship here.
I see myself still attending LaGrange First Methodist in two years.

Question Title

* 25. At LaGrange First Methodist, I feel most connected through the following (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 26. How should the church prioritize improvements in the functionality of our current buildings and grounds?

  High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority No Opinion
Audio Visual/Technology for Video Production
Sound During Worship
Landscaping and Outdoor Walking Paths
Playground and Outdoor Patio Areas
Signage and Wayfinding

Question Title

* 27. If we were to undertake renovations to existing space, how would your prioritize the following areas?

  High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority Neutral
Administrative Office Area
Children's Ministry
Youth Ministry
Older Adult Ministry
Sunday School Classrooms
General Meeting Spaces
Music Spaces

Question Title

* 28. How effective is the church in communicating information about the ministries and activities?

  Highly Effective Somewhat Effective Neutral Somewhat Ineffective Highly Ineffective
Facebook Events or Posts
Instagram Events or Posts
Printed Announcements in Bulletin
Verbal Announcements during Worship Services
Television Monitors throughout Campus
Direct Mail Correspondence

Question Title

* 29. How well-informed do you feel about life at LaGrange First Methodist?

Question Title

* 30. How would you rate the communications you currently receive from the church?

  Excellent Good Needs improvement
Amount of Information
Frequency of delivery
Accuracy of content
Relevance of material
Style of presentation

Question Title

* 31. How do you support LaGrange First Methodist financially?

Question Title

* 32. How do you decide the amount you give to the church?

Question Title

* 33. How important is our church's affiliation with the United Methodist Church?

Question Title

* 34. Do you feel prepared to make a decision regarding the church's affiliation with the United Methodist Church prior to the August 13 Church Conference?

Question Title

* 35. To which age group do you belong?

Question Title

* 36. Do you have children under the age of 18 living at home?