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Virtual Conference Evaluation

Please allow 2 weeks for your certificate to be emailed to you

Question Title

* 1. Your information

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* 2. How did you find about this event?

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* 3. Regarding the Conference as a whole-Please rate each statement by checking the number: 1=not at all 2=a little bit 3= somewhat 4= Very well

  1 2 3 4
There were topics that I was interested in
The conference and components were well organized and easy to follow
The presenters were professionals and well educated in their field

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* 4. Other comments or suggestions about the conference?

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* 5. What presentations did you attend?

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* 6. Please select-

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* 7. In regards to the presentation you attended: Please rate each statement by checking the number: 1=not at all 2=a little bit 3= somewhat 4= Very well

  1 2 3 4
This training addressed the issues I wanted to know about.
This training taught me useful techniques and skills
This training was well organized and easy to follow
The Presenter was knowledgeable
The Presenter was organized and clear
The Presenter engaged the learners

Question Title

* 8. You are more likely to use what you have learned in this session if you set down an intentional action plan to follow.
  1. Please share specific changes that you plan on making in your practice/program as a result of this information/content of this class.
  2. List something you learned or surprised you.
  3. Is there anything you will share with others and research more?

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* 9. Would you be interested in another event like this? Why or Why not?

0 of 9 answered