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* 1. How has Covid 19 impacted your work?

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* 2. If you are still working, do you believe your company has responded well in handling the Covid19 crisis? (e.g. ongoing communication, expanded remote work policies, HR professionals are knowledgeable and available, the company is being innovative to respond etc.)

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* 3. If you will be financially impacted by Covid19 please pick the option below that best applies to the circumstances of your household.

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* 4. I believe I will need to find a new job outside my current industry within the next few months.

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* 6. I believe the industries that will have the greatest employment opportunities within the next 12 months are the following.  Please check all that apply.

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* 7. I am concerned the hospitals and healthcare system in my location do not have what they need to combat this virus.

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* 8. What tools are you using to manage stress and mental health during these unprecedented times?

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* 9. Please share any additional information that may help us understand how Covid19 is impacting your life.

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* 10. I am a person with a disability.