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Professional Development Committee

OMAA PDC is conducting a survey about your knowledge about the committee and would love your help to establish OMAA members’ professional development current and future interests. We ask for a moment of your time and invite you to take part in this short survey. It will take no more than 5 minutes to complete and your answers will be incredibly helpful for guiding and determining the development of your future professional development and resources.

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* 1. Do you know who the OMAA Professional Development Committee members are?

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* 2. Please describe the role of the Professional Development Committee.

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* 3. Do you feel confident to approach the Professional Development Committee?

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* 4. What do you consider to be the PD Committee's priorities?

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* 5. Does the PD Committee provide quality information for it's OMAA members?

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* 6. What PD initiatives would you like to see the PD Committee action?

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