Secondary Care 

1.How would you rate your overall care?
Very poor
2.How would you rate communication?
Very poor
Very good
3.Was your diagnosis/ condition explained in a way you could understand?
4.Were you given the opportunity to ask questions?
5.Were your treatment options explained clearly to you?
6.Were the potential benefits and side effects of any medication / treatment explained clearly to you?
7.Were you actively involved in your treatment plan? ( i.e. explanation of why it is necessary, effects, long-term goals?)
8.Were you given a review appointment before leaving clinic or at time of telephone review?
9.Were you given clear details of who to contact if you experienced difficulties with treatment before next hospital review?
10.Were you given details of who to contact should your symptoms worsen or you have concerns about your illness before next hospital review?
11.Were you given clear details of HOW to contact this resource?
12.Do you feel you receive emotional/ psychological support to help manage your condition
13.Do you think this type of support should be made available?
14.Were you provided with written information about your condition?
15.If no, how did you find out more information?
16.Would you rather be provided with written information sheets or provided with a website to access at home?
17.Were you given information or support regarding third sector organisations? eg charities or self-help organisations?
18.Are you treated at a specialised vasculitis clinic?
19.What do you think are the most important things that we should be encouraging all teams to do when they care for patients with vasculitis?
20.Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your experiences?
21.Which health board are you treated in?
Current Progress,
0 of 21 answered