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* 1. Your patient, Greg, is a 51-year-old male with a 7-year history of severe asthma. He has daily asthma symptoms requiring a recue inhaler and has had four exacerbations in the past year, despite high-dose inhaled corticosteroid/long-acting beta antagonist treatment. He also reports peripheral neuropathy and a purpuric rash. His lab results reveal WBC=6000 cells/µL; EOS=640 cells/µL; ESR=30; CRP=6, and BMP is normal. What should be your next step?

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* 2. You decide to repeat his labs and order a chest x-ray, as well as a skin biopsy. These labs show WBC=6200; EOS=680/µL; ANCA=pANCA+, 1:160; pulmonary infiltrates; and cutaneous eosinophilic infiltrates. Based on these results, what is his diagnosis?