Here is another oppotunity to test your knowledge on the new Encore class. Don't forget to have a copy of the new regulations handy. Good luck!

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* 1. You want to enter Wilson (The Wonder Dog) into his first Encore class. How old must he be?

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* 2. Wilson is a Red-nosed Pit Bull Terrier. Can you still enter him in an Encore class after 31st December 2018?

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* 3. This is your first competiton and you are hoping to get your very first qualifying certificate towards Wilson's Encore Bronze award. You and Wilson are ready to compete. When does judging start?

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* 4. What course number will be displayed at the "Lead" station?

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* 5. What course number will be displayed on the sign that follows the "Lead" sign?

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* 6. At the "Lead" sign, you keep hold of Wilson's collar after you have removed his lead. Will you be penalised?

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* 7. At the "Moving Stand - Walk Around" sign, you give Wilson lots of verbal encouragement and an extra verbal command to wait. He takes several steps to stop moving. How many points can you expect to lose?

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* 8. You have not retried any previous exercises and have only made that mistake on the "Moving Stand - Walk Around" sign. You retry the following exercise once successfully. At the next station, you retry that exercise once as well. How many points can you expect to lose in total for both of these stations?

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* 9. What will happen next?

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* 10. The judge has said "exercise finished" and you have left the ring. Are you entitled to receive an Encore qualifying certificate?