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Application for individuals interested in delivering qualifications for their organisation/region.

The Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) and NHS England (NHSE) are calling for expressions of interest from those ideally working in or with the NHS in England who would like to become Training Centres to deliver the Violence Prevention and Reduction (VPR) training pathway.
This pathway consists of regulated qualifications at Levels 3 and 4 is designed to meet the training needs of Violence Prevention and Reduction Operational Leads and Strategic Specialists employed by Trusts, as well as other members of the NHS workforce who are considered to be working in ‘at risk’ environments. The pathway takes a public health approach to understand and prevent the root causes of violence and abuse, and equips individuals to support and/or lead on the design and implementation of appropriate principles of practice in responding to incidents involving violence and abuse. The pathway aims to target staff working across health and care settings and services, including, but not limited to:
  • Acute, Mental Health and Specialist secondary care Trusts
  • Ambulance Trusts
  • Social care and care home settings
  • Primary care
  • Voluntary, community and social enterprise settings
We are looking for individuals who would like to be upskilled to deliver these regulated qualifications with these target groups in England. As part of this process, you/your organisation would register to become an RSPH Training Centre.

View a summary of the three qualifications here.
Benefits to Trainers
Involvement is an opportunity for professional development and peer learning through:
  1. RSPH Membership: a year of membership at Associate grade for Trainers.
  2. Fully funded place on the CPD accredited Train the Trainer programme, and access to training support materials for delivery.
  3. Registration as an RSPH Approved Training Centre to deliver these qualifications (approval fee covered by RSPH)
  4. The opportunity to deliver these qualifications for your organisation/ region on an ongoing basis.

Each Trainer must be available in October - November 2024 to complete the following activities:
  • Undertake the VPR train the trainer: attending 4 half-days of virtual training on the following dates:
    • Session 1: 14th October, 9:30am-1:30pm, Teams
    • Session 2: 21st October, 9:30am-1:30pm, Teams
    • Session 3: 23rd October, 9:30am-1:30pm, Teams
    • Session 4: 28th October, 9:30am-1:30pm, Teams
  • Register as an RSPH Training Centre - you can view guidance about this process here.
  • RSPH will support you through your application and cover the cost of your approval fee (£700).
Applicants must complete this form and include a letter/email of support from their manager in PDF or Word format. The content of the letter must include confirmation of support for the applicant's participation, as well as why they would like to become an RSPH Centre to deliver these qualifications.

All applications for phase 2 must be submitted by 6th September 2024. However, if the available places are taken before then, this call will be closed earlier.

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Question Title

* 1. One of the requirements of this process, is a letter or email of support from your Manager or a Senior Manager at your organisation in PDF or Word format.  The note needs to confirm that they have read the requirements and explain why this role would support your organisation and their work.  Do you have this?

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