Leadership Franklin County Youth - Reference

Leadership Franklin County Youth is a highly selective leadership program providing learning opportunities to Franklin County high school sophomores (public, private or home school) with the goal of creating a youth community  who are actively engaged in responsible, ethical, and effective leadership.
This program is geared for students with leadership potential who may not be currently serving in any student leadership roles.  Your help in providing a reference for a student will allow us to select students with potential to develop/grow in their leadership journey.

This reference should not be completed by an applicant's relative. References are only accepted from a non relative.
Selected applicants will go through a school interview process with our steering committee representatives in March 2020.  Students chosen for the new class will be notified by mid April 2020. 

Students will only be accepted in LFCY if their school status (grades/attendance and behavior) permits them to participate.
Application and reference deadline is Wednesday February 12, 2020.   Due to the volume of applicants we cannot accept submissions after this date.

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* 1. Please fill in the following information.

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* 2. What potential leadership qualities do you believe this student possesses? Examples: Self-awareness (understands own strengths and areas that need improvement), self-confidence, creativity, original thought, motivation, desire to learn, social engagement (peer interactions, engages in discussions), independence, initiative, academic ability, potential for growth.

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* 3. What leadership qualities do you believe this student needs to develop?

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* 4. How do you see this student applying leadership skills from this program?

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* 5. LFCY has a highly competitive selection process.  Tell us why you believe this student should be selected by the recruitment committee.

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* 6. Please feel free to add any additional comments that you feel will support this student’s application to Franklin County Youth Leadership.

Thank you for providing a reference for this student for Leadership Franklin County Youth.  The committee will contact you if further information is needed.   We appreciate your time to assist in the selection process for this program.