Feasibility and acceptability trial

Brightwater Care Group and UWA have partnered in a research project funded by the Neurotrauma Research Program called myTBI. The project aims to create and evaluate an online psychoeducation platform to support people with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) to:
Understand key psychosocial challenges that may be faced from diagnosis (acute injury) to years post-injury (chronic), and;
Improve psychosocial adjustment to TBI across the recovery journey.

How can I help?
In Stage 1 of the study, we conducted interviews and surveys with people with TBI, their family members/caregivers, and healthcare professionals to identify common psychosocial challenges experienced after TBI through their recovery journey.
In Stage 2, a panel of experts voted and selected the most important psychosocial challenges to include on the myTBI online platform.
We have now created 13 psychoeducation modules based on Stages 1 and 2 and want to know what you think of them.
Survey Instructions
This survey consists of 7 short questions which ask about your experience using the myTBI website and your thoughts on the modules. The survey will take between 5-10 minutes to complete.

Your responses will remain confidential and anonymous.  Feedback from the survey will be used to improve the myTBI online platform, so that it will be as helpful as possible for people with a TBI.

Question Title

* 1. Click "I consent to participate in this research" to indicate that you have read the information and voluntarily agree to participate in this research.