
100% of survey complete.
Thank you for taking the time to complete our anonymous District exit survey. The data obtained will be used to identify trends, recognize areas exceeding expectations and provide feedback to improve our work culture. It will also serve to enable us in developing policies and practices that reflect the needs of our employees.

Thank you,

LESD Human Resources Department

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your recent employment classification:

Question Title

* 2. At which campus/department was your most recent assignment:

Question Title

* 3. Please select which category best describes your most recent assignment with LESD:

Question Title

* 4. How long were you employed with Litchfield Elementary School District?

Question Title

* 5. When originally hired, please indicate on a scale of 1 to 5, what attracted you to Litchfield Elementary School District:

  Not Important Least Important Some Importance Important Very Important
District Reputation
Professional Development
Class Size
Advanced Technology

Question Title

* 6. Please check the reason that best describes why you left Litchfield Elementary School District: (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 7. Identify what the District could have done to retain you as an employee:

  Yes No N/A
Better salary/compensation
Better insurance benefits
Improved school culture
Improved District culture
More opportunities for professional growth
Better communication/support from supervisor

Question Title

* 8. Rate the following statements:

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied No Opinion
Received adequate training for position
Involved in work that was rewarding
Involved in work that was challenging
Experienced positive working conditions
Received adequate feedback about my job performance between evaluations
Employee orientation to department/District
Satisfaction of working in LESD

Question Title

* 9. Would you recommend Litchfield Elementary School District to a friend?

Question Title

* 10. Additional Comments