London Environmental Network (LEN) Application Form |
Thank you for your interest in joining the London Environmental Network. Our organization is based in London, Ontario, Canada. This application form is divided into the following sections:
Section 1: Contact Information
Please include this information so we can stay connected with your organization.
Section 2: Meeting Membership Criteria
Section 1: Contact Information
Please include this information so we can stay connected with your organization.
Section 2: Meeting Membership Criteria
To ensure your group meets all LEN membership criteria as per our membership policy.
Section 3: Organization Demographics
We would like to collect some basic information about your organization so we have a good idea of the types of groups in our network and can better serve your needs.
Section 4: Public Profile
This information will be used to create your public profile page on the London Environmental Network website.
Section 5: Network Participation Confirmation
Please read through the list of Network Benefits and Expectations, as well as the Environmental Non-Profit Sector Commitment, then sign in agreement of these terms and conditions.
After you apply, your application will go to our Board of Directors for review of eligibility given our existing membership policy. If eligible, the Board will approve and you will receive an email letting your group know you have been accepted as a member and onboarding information. This process may take 1-3 months depending on Board meeting schedules.
Please note our sliding scale annual membership fees:
- For Indigenous organizations and for groups with $0-$500 budgets = membership fee is waived
- For groups with $500-$4,999 budgets =$25/year
For groups with $5,000+ budgets = $50/year - For groups with $50,000+ budgets = $100/year
- For groups with $100,000+ budgets = $200/year
Membership is renewed annually in December for the following year.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at hello@londonenvironment.net