I found the website modules informative.
I found the website modules informative. Strongly agree
I found the website modules informative. Agree
I found the website modules informative. Neither agree nor disagree
I found the website modules informative. Disagree
I found the website modules informative. Strongly disagree
I feel the content was relevant to my role as a test counsellor.
I feel the content was relevant to my role as a test counsellor. Strongly agree
I feel the content was relevant to my role as a test counsellor. Agree
I feel the content was relevant to my role as a test counsellor. Neither agree nor disagree
I feel the content was relevant to my role as a test counsellor. Disagree
I feel the content was relevant to my role as a test counsellor. Strongly disagree
I feel more confident in my role as HIV tester after reviewing the materials.
I feel more confident in my role as HIV tester after reviewing the materials. Strongly agree
I feel more confident in my role as HIV tester after reviewing the materials. Agree
I feel more confident in my role as HIV tester after reviewing the materials. Neither agree nor disagree
I feel more confident in my role as HIV tester after reviewing the materials. Disagree
I feel more confident in my role as HIV tester after reviewing the materials. Strongly disagree
The counselling content helped me think about how I can best speak to clients. (Modules 1-3)
The counselling content helped me think about how I can best speak to clients. (Modules 1-3) Strongly agree
The counselling content helped me think about how I can best speak to clients. (Modules 1-3) Agree
The counselling content helped me think about how I can best speak to clients. (Modules 1-3) Neither agree nor disagree
The counselling content helped me think about how I can best speak to clients. (Modules 1-3) Disagree
The counselling content helped me think about how I can best speak to clients. (Modules 1-3) Strongly disagree
The training helped me understand the science behind HIV testing (multiple modules but chiefly Module 4)
The training helped me understand the science behind HIV testing (multiple modules but chiefly Module 4) Strongly agree
The training helped me understand the science behind HIV testing (multiple modules but chiefly Module 4) Agree
The training helped me understand the science behind HIV testing (multiple modules but chiefly Module 4) Neither agree nor disagree
The training helped me understand the science behind HIV testing (multiple modules but chiefly Module 4) Disagree
The training helped me understand the science behind HIV testing (multiple modules but chiefly Module 4) Strongly disagree
The training helped me understand how to perform and interpret the point of care test. (Module 5)
The training helped me understand how to perform and interpret the point of care test. (Module 5) Strongly agree
The training helped me understand how to perform and interpret the point of care test. (Module 5) Agree
The training helped me understand how to perform and interpret the point of care test. (Module 5) Neither agree nor disagree
The training helped me understand how to perform and interpret the point of care test. (Module 5) Disagree
The training helped me understand how to perform and interpret the point of care test. (Module 5) Strongly disagree
The content on requisitions and logs has helped me understand the forms and paperwork I need to file as an HIV test counsellor. (Module 6)
The content on requisitions and logs has helped me understand the forms and paperwork I need to file as an HIV test counsellor. (Module 6) Strongly agree
The content on requisitions and logs has helped me understand the forms and paperwork I need to file as an HIV test counsellor. (Module 6) Agree
The content on requisitions and logs has helped me understand the forms and paperwork I need to file as an HIV test counsellor. (Module 6) Neither agree nor disagree
The content on requisitions and logs has helped me understand the forms and paperwork I need to file as an HIV test counsellor. (Module 6) Disagree
The content on requisitions and logs has helped me understand the forms and paperwork I need to file as an HIV test counsellor. (Module 6) Strongly disagree
The quality assurance content helped me understand how we ensure reliable and accurate testing at my site. (Module 7)
The quality assurance content helped me understand how we ensure reliable and accurate testing at my site. (Module 7) Strongly agree
The quality assurance content helped me understand how we ensure reliable and accurate testing at my site. (Module 7) Agree
The quality assurance content helped me understand how we ensure reliable and accurate testing at my site. (Module 7) Neither agree nor disagree
The quality assurance content helped me understand how we ensure reliable and accurate testing at my site. (Module 7) Disagree
The quality assurance content helped me understand how we ensure reliable and accurate testing at my site. (Module 7) Strongly disagree
I found one or more sections challenging to understand.
I found one or more sections challenging to understand. Strongly agree
I found one or more sections challenging to understand. Agree
I found one or more sections challenging to understand. Neither agree nor disagree
I found one or more sections challenging to understand. Disagree
I found one or more sections challenging to understand. Strongly disagree