Course Registration: Introduction to Progressive Management

Thank you for your interest in enrolling in this course. While the specific date and time for the next class have yet to be finalized, we are pleased to announce that the registration process is now open.

Course Details:
Type: Virtual (Zoom)
Duration: 2 hours  
CPD Credits: 2.0 MOC credits/2 Mainpro+ credits
1.First Name(Required.)
2.Last Name(Required.)
3.What kind of medical staff are you?(Required.)
4.Which community of care do you primarily work in?(Required.)
5.How many years total have you been in a formal medical leadership role?
(e.g. physician lead, site lead, division head, department head, medical director, etc.)
6.What is your current Medical Leadership role?(Required.)
7.Provide your preferred email address through which to contact you regarding this course(Required.)
Thank you for your interest in our Introduction to Progressive Management Course! We will reach out to you via the provided email address when the next session date is set.