1. Project Information and Consent

CSIRO Agriculture & Food invites you to take part in a survey about the use of long coleoptile wheat in Australian farming systems.
This survey is part of a GRDC-supported project that aims to improve our understanding of genetics, management and environmental factors that affect the use of long coleoptile wheat. These results will be used to deliver improved genetic and management approaches to Australian farmers to integrate long coleoptile wheat into their farming system.

This is a joint project with the NSW Department of Primary Industries, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, EP Ag Research, SLR Research, University of South Australia, University of Melbourne and the Western Australian Department of Primary Industries and Regions as key partners.

The survey is seeking input from growers and agronomy consultants to better understand the importance of different coleoptile lengths and their effective integration into Australian farming systems.

What will I be asked to do?
Completing the survey should take less than 10 minutes. There are 10 questions about your location, your knowledge and experience with using long coleoptile wheat, and key research priorities. Your participation is completely voluntary, and you are free to withdraw by stopping at any time. If you decide to withdraw from the survey, any responses you have provided up to that point will be deleted.  Most questions require an answer. Aside from giving up your time, there are no foreseeable risks associated with participating in this survey.

How will the results of the study be used?
All information collected through the survey will be anonymous and used by CSIRO and project partners for research purposes only. Data will be reported in an aggregate form to ensure participants are not individually identifiable. The data may also be kept and used by CSIRO in a de-identified form for future research.

Results from this study will be published in scientific papers, public reports and conference presentations.  A summary of the findings will also be made available to participants on completion of the study. Please email Greg Rebetzke (greg.rebetzke@csiro.au) if you would like to receive a copy of this summary report.

What if I have any questions about this study?
If you have any questions about this project, please feel free to contact the project leader, Dr. Greg Rebetzke, at greg.rebetzke@csiro.au or on (02) 6246 5153.

This study has been approved by CSIRO’s Social Science Human Research Ethics Committee in accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007). Any concerns or complaints about the conduct of this study can be raised with the Manager of Social Responsibility and Ethics on (07) 3833 5693 or by email at csshrec@csiro.au.

Question Title

* 1. If you consent to take part in this survey, please click the ‘Agree’ button below to begin.

20% of survey complete.