The Alcohol and Other Drug Consumer & Community Coalition (AODCCC) is the peak body for consumers and the community impacted by alcohol and other drug use in Western Australia. The purpose of our association is to promote the interests, education and welfare of those affected by alcohol and other drug use.

Our definition of consumer includes current, past and potential users, family members, significant others and supporters, and the inclusion of the word 'community' in our title seeks to strengthen the understanding that alcohol and other drug related harm does not occur in isolation.

To become a member, you are required to agree to our purpose stated above, be 16 years or over and complete the application below.

If you would like to participate as a representative from an organisation you can apply for an associate membership.
Only one representative per organisation is eligible. This is to ensure the group upholds consumer leadership and focus.

We are currently funded by the Mental Health Commission in order to progress our development as an alcohol and other drug peak body. More information on our history and current activities can be found on our website.

We invite you to become part of something unique and important, and membership is free.
All applications will be processed on the last Wednesday of each month by the AODCCC Management Committee and applicants are notified in due course.
Applications can be made via this survey online or can be printed from here and sent to the AODCCC at 33 Moore St, East Perth WA 6004.

*All personal information is confidential and stored securely. No personal identifying information will be given to a second party at any time. Requests for demographic information from our membership allows us to display we are meeting the needs of a diverse group of people and ensure their voices can be heard, while informing us on how to cater to and explore further opportunities for our members.

Questions and enquiries can be forwarded to

Question Title

1. Do you agree to the purpose of our association?
"To promote the interests, education and welfare of those affected by alcohol and other drug use."

Question Title

2. Are you applying for full membership or associate membership?

Question Title

3. Personal details

Question Title

4. Gender