The State of GBS in 2023 And Beyond

1.What best describes your business? Choose best answer
2.Which region is your GBS/SSO located in? Choose best answer
3.What is your organization's global annual revenue? Choose best answer
4.How long has your GBS/SSO been operating? Choose best answer
5.If your services include End-to-End (E2E), which of the following do you provide? Choose all that apply
6.If your services are offered by function, which of the following do you provide? Choose all that apply.
7.How is your GBS/SSO strategy impacting the overall workforce (at the enterprise level)? Choose the top 3 options
8.Which current trends are causing the most disruption for your enterprise? Choose the top 3 options
9.Is outsourcing part of your delivery model?
10.Do you currently outsource any of the below SSO/GBS processes? Select all that apply
11.To what degree do you plan to increase/decrease your reliance on outsourcers? Choose best answer
12.To what extent is enhancing Employee Experience (EX) critical for your GBS/SSO? Choose best answer
13.To what extent is enhancing Customer Experience (CX) critical for your GBS/SSO? Choose best answer
14.To what extent is "Experience" (e.g., Customer or Employee) driving GBS/SSO Process & Technology Design?
to a Low extent
to a Medium extent
to a High extent
Current State
Ideal Future State
15.How are you trying to ensure GBS/SSO becomes an attractive career option for recruits? Choose the top 3 options
16.How do you define the value your GBS/SSO delivers to the enterprise? Select all that apply
17.Where are your opportunities to deliver more value?
18.Which emerging technologies have you implemented in GBS/SSO? Choose all that apply
19.How important is digital technology integration for your overall GBS strategy? Choose best answer
20.Where can digitization drive maximum value for your enterprise? Choose the top 3 options
21.What is preventing your GBS/SSO from becoming more digitized? Choose all that apply
22.What would help your GBS/SSO gain the mandate for enterprise digital transformation? Choose the top 3 options
23.To what extent were tax impacts/incentives considered for your GBS location/site strategy? Choose best answer
24.Is your organization re-evaluating its GBS location strategy?
25.To what extent can effectively leveraging GBS/SSO reduce your enterprise's carbon footprint? Choose best answer
26.To what degree is GBS/SSOs activity now operating virtually? Choose best answer
27.Looking forward and reflecting on your future plans, what are your top objectives in the next 5 years? Choose max 5 options
28.If you'd like access to SSON's latest Analytics workbook, please enter your email. 
Thank you very much for taking part in this survey. You will be alerted once the final report is available.