Six aged care provider organisations (LASA, ACSA, UnitingCare Australia, Baptist Care Australia, Anglicare Australia and Catholic Health Australia) are seeking insight from age services operators across residential care, home care and CHSP, with regards to the impacts of ongoing financial pressure that is widely reported across the sector.
With this in mind, we request that you complete this survey that will gather data on how financial constraints may be impacting your services.
The survey follows a similar survey conducted by LASA in July 2019 and survey results will be used to provide evidence to support our collective advocacy to Government to address the impacts of ongoing financial pressure on aged care providers.
The survey also asks providers for feedback on how they are willing to support advocacy on these issues.
Note that you are able to provide your responses anonymously, but we ask that you share your name if possible. We also ask that you ensure that there is a single response to the survey from your organisation.