Financial performance and risk

Six aged care provider organisations (LASA, ACSA, UnitingCare Australia, Baptist Care Australia, Anglicare Australia and Catholic Health Australia) are seeking insight from age services operators across residential care, home care and CHSP, with regards to the impacts of ongoing financial pressure that is widely reported across the sector.

With this in mind, we request that you complete this survey that will gather data on how financial constraints may be impacting your services.

The survey follows a similar survey conducted by LASA in July 2019 and survey results will be used to provide evidence to support our collective advocacy to Government to address the impacts of ongoing financial pressure on aged care providers. 

The survey also asks providers for feedback on how they are willing to support advocacy on these issues.

Note that you are able to provide your responses anonymously, but we ask that you share your name if possible. We also ask that you ensure that there is a single response to the survey from your organisation.

Question Title

* 1. Approximately how many occupied residential care beds do you have?

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* 2. Approximately how many home care package clients do you have?

Question Title

* 3. Approximately how many CHSP clients do you have?

Question Title

* 4. Where are your services located?

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* 5. What is your ownership structure?

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* 6. How did your services perform financially in the March quarter of 2020?

  Cash loss Accounting loss Narrow accounting surplus Comfortable accounting surplus Unsure / prefer not to say Not applicable
Residential Aged Care services
Home Care Package services
Commonwealth Home Support Programme services
All aged care services
Overall organisational performance

Question Title

* 7. How did you estimate that your services will have performed in the June Quarter of 2020, taking into account the effects of COVID-19?

  Cash loss Accounting loss Narrow accounting surplus Comfortable accounting surplus Unsure / prefer not to say Not applicable
Residential Aged Care services
Home Care Package services
Commonwealth Home Support Programme services
All aged care services
Overall organisational performance

Question Title

* 8. Looking back over the last 12 months, how do you think operating conditions in aged care have changed:

Question Title

* 9. Looking forward over the next 12 months, how do you expect operating conditions in aged care will change?

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* 10. Have you been forced to do any of the following over the last 12 months because of poor operating conditions?

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* 11. If conditions do not improve in the next 12 months will you need to

  very unlikely unlikely unsure likely very likely
Close services
Reduce direct care staff
Reduce other direct service staff
Reduce back office staff
Reduce investment

Question Title

* 12. Do you agree or disagree that funding constraints limit your ability to deliver the level of care your clients expect?

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* 13. Do you agree or disagree that funding constraints limit your ability to deliver the level of care your clients need?

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* 14. If funding constrains your ability to deliver care, in what main ways does this occur?

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* 15. In the last 12 months, how many other providers have approached you asking you to take over their services or clients?

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* 16. How often did you agree to these requests?

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* 17. Where you did not agree, what were your concerns?

  never some of the time most of the time always Not applicable
Financial risk
Existing quality problems in the service

Question Title

* 18. If a service in a region that you operate in closes are you willing to assist with placing residents?

Question Title

* 19. If a service in a region that you operate in closes are you willing to assist with finding employment opportunities for staff?