Dear counselor
Welcome to this introductory page and thank you for considering to take part in this study on the job experience of career counselors in Pinellas high schools. Here below is a questionnaire which has been designed to get information from you about your job as a counselor.
Welcome to this introductory page and thank you for considering to take part in this study on the job experience of career counselors in Pinellas high schools. Here below is a questionnaire which has been designed to get information from you about your job as a counselor.
Participation is voluntary. You can leave the study at any time, even after you have provided some information. You do not have to write your name anywhere and the information you give will be used only for research purposes and in ways that will not reveal who you are. This is in accordance with rules about researches of this kind where all given answers will be held in strict confidentiality.
The survey takes approximately 3-4 minutes to answer.
Thank you,
Hallur Skulason Ph.D.
FL 33763