Community Assessment Survey for Little Compton Residents Age 55 & Over

The Town of Little Compton is committed to ensuring our residents are able to age in place in a supportive manner. To help identify, understand, and prioritize the needs of older residents, the Town of Little Compton is requesting residents age 55 and over share their views. The survey responses are anonymous and the results will be used to evaluate existing programs and services as well as assess the future needs of the Town’s mature population.

We thank you in advance for your participation. Please note that the survey must be completed in one session – there is not a way to save your answers. Although you can skip questions it is preferable that you do not. Once you have completed the survey, click the DONE button at the bottom of the last page and that will submit your answers. Surveys MUST BE completed online by October 21, 2024. Each resident 55 and older may submit only ONE survey.

** If you need technical assistance, please visit or call the Brownell Library at 401-635-8562.

Question Title

* 1. Please select your gender identity.

Question Title

* 2. What is your age range? Please check only one.

Communication & Information

Question Title

* 3. Where do you find information about community activities and services? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 4. Where do you generally access the internet? Please check only one.

Question Title

* 5. In the course of an average week, do you use any of the following digital devices? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 6. Would you be interested/use an interactive website for Little Compton seniors (promoting senior activities, programs, informational links, etc.) if one was set up?

Community Characteristics

Question Title

* 7. Please rate your level of satisfaction with each of the following features of Little Compton. Please check one per row.

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied I don’t know
Availability of parking
Handicap accessibility of public buildings and businesses
Availability of benches or shaded seating in public areas
Places appropriate for older adults to walk, exercise, and enjoy recreation and leisure
General community safety

Question Title

* 8. Choose the 3 most important factors that you believe contribute to a high quality of life in Little Compton. Please check only three.

Question Title

* 9. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: “Local policy makers consider the interests and concerns of older residents.” Please check only one.

Social & Community Participation

Question Title

* 10. How often do you engage in the following social activities? Please check one per row.

  Every day One or more times a week Several times a month Once a month 2-3 times a year (e.g., holidays) Rarely
Talk on the phone or video call with family, friends, or neighbors
Send email or use social media with family, friends, or neighbors
Get together, in person, to visit with family, friends, or neighbors

Question Title

* 11. Do you know someone living nearby on whom you can rely for help when you need it? (e.g., changing a light bulb, shopping)?

Question Title

* 12. Do you assist any neighbors with minor tasks or errands as needed?

Question Title

* 13. In the past five years, have you ever felt excluded in Little Compton because of any of the following? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 14. How often do you engage in the following activities? Please check one per row.

  Weekly Monthly 2+ times per year Rarely Never
Activities through the Library, Community Center, Wellness Center
Civic (e.g., community leagues, political associations, town meetings, volunteering)
Dining out (e.g., restaurants, cafés, friends/family’s houses)
Educational (e.g., attending courses, lectures, workshops, utilizing the library, historic or cultural events)
General day-to-day activities (e.g., working, grocery shopping, cleaning home, gardening)
Physical (e.g., fitness or health classes, sports, taking walks)
Recreational/leisure (e.g., attending sports events, going to a concert, engaging in hobbies)
Spiritual (e.g., attending a place of worship, participating in faith-based activities)

Question Title

* 15. What time of day do you generally engage in the following activities? Please check one per row.

  Morning Mid-day Afternoon Early Evening After 8pm
Activities through the Library, Community Center, Wellness Center
Civic (e.g., community leagues, political associations, town meetings, volunteering)
Dining out (e.g., restaurants, cafés, friends/family’s houses)
Educational (e.g., attending courses, lectures, workshops, utilizing the library, historic or cultural events)
General day-to-day activities (e.g., working, grocery shopping, cleaning home, gardening)
Physical (e.g., fitness or health classes, sports, taking walks)
Recreational/leisure (e.g., attending sports events, going to a concert, engaging in hobbies)
Spiritual (e.g., attending a place of worship, participating in faith-based activities)

Question Title

* 16. Do you volunteer for any of the following? Please check all that apply.

Existing Senior Programs

Question Title

* 17. In the past 12 months, have you participated in any of the programs offered through the Little Compton Community Center (LCCC)? Please check one per row.

  Yes No Didn’t know about the program I am interested in participating in the near future I am not interested in this program
Senior Luncheon
Circle of Friends
Senior Community Hours
Senior Haircuts
Veteran’s Program
Misc. Offerings: presentations and annual offerings such as the Summer Concert Series

Question Title

* 18. In the past 12 months, have you participated in any of the programs offered through the Little Compton Wellness Center (LCWC)? These adult classes are not limited to Seniors. Please check one per row.

  Yes No Didn’t know about the program I am interested in participating in the near future I am not interested in this program
Exercise Classes
Wellness Classes: Meditation; Therapeutic Massage & Acupuncture; etc.
Educational Classes

Question Title

* 19. In the past 12 months, have you participated in any of the programs offered through the Brownell Library? These classes/programs are not limited to Seniors. Please check one per row.

  Yes No Didn’t know about the program I am interested in participating in the near future I am not interested in this program
Available Kits
Museum Passes
Library of Things: there is an assortment of items from snow shoes to cake pans... that patrons can borrow
Ongoing Programs: Medicare Help Sessions, Tech Help, Book Chat, etc.
Special Programs: Summer Reading Programs; Lectures; Notary Services
Books & More: Books, DVDs, Newspapers, etc.
Technology for Public Use at the Library: Computers, Phone Chargers, Copier, etc.
Community Space: Patrons are always invited to browse the shelves and relax in this public space

Question Title

* 20. I would be more likely to use the Little Compton Community Center programs and/or the Wellness Center programs and/or Brownell Library programs if… Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 21. In the past 12 months, have you utilized any of the following LOCAL programs/ resources? Please check one per row.

  Yes No
Family Pet Advocates
Feeding Friends
Little Compton Food Bank
Little Compton Police Department Elderly Affairs Officer
Little Compton Social Services
Love Our Neighbor
Memory Cafe at the Tiverton Senior Center
Stay at Home in Little Compton, Inc.

Question Title

* 22. In the past 12 months, have you utilized any of the following STATE, REGIONAL, or FEDERAL programs/resources? Please check one per row.

  Yes No
Aging Well Program
East Bay Community Action Program
Medicare Part D Low-Income Subsidy (LIS, or Extra Help)
Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs)
RIDOH Community Health Services
RI Office of Healthy Aging
Social Security Administration
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
United Way of Rhode Island

Question Title

* 23. What are the barriers hindering you from taking advantage of some of the identified LOCAL, STATE, REGIONAL, or FEDERAL programs/resources? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 24. Thinking about your own future needs and interests, which of the following types of programs and services would you like to see expanded through local programing? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 25. If a building were available for senior related programs or activities, what time and days would you like to have access to the building? Please check all that apply.

  Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Question Title

* 26. Would you support renovation of an existing building in Little Compton to accommodate dedicated Senior space?


Question Title

* 27. Which of the following best describes your driving status? Please check only one.

Question Title

* 28. What are the primary ways in which you meet your transportation needs? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 29. Within the past 12 months, did you have to miss, cancel, or reschedule a medical appointment because of lack of transportation?

Question Title

* 30. How satisfied are you with the transportation options available to you? Please check only one.

Question Title

* 31. What type of transportation programs would you like to see modified or improved?

Economic Security

Question Title

* 32. What is your employment status? Please check only one.

Question Title

* 33. Do you have adequate resources to meet your financial needs, including home maintenance, personal and healthcare, and other expenses?

Question Title

* 34. What is your monthly income before taxes? Please check only one.

Question Title

* 35. Was there any time in the past 12 months when you did not have the money for the following necessities? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 36. Are you aware of the following LOCAL/LOCALLY ADMINISTERED property and other tax relief programs that are currently available? Please check one per row.

  Yes No
LITTLE COMPTON: Tax Relief Program
LITTLE COMPTON: Veteran’s Exemption
RI STATE: Farm, Forest, Open Space Program

Question Title

* 37. Are you aware of the following FEDERAL property and other tax relief programs that are currently available? Please check one per row.

  Yes No
Federal Tax Relief for qualifying Elderly and Disabled
Federal Tax Credits for Seniors: Increased Standard Deduction; Different Filing Threshold; Social Security Tax Exemption; Medical Expense Deduction; Elderly or Disabled Tax Credit; Retirement Plan Contribution Benefits

Question Title

* 38. Are you aware of the following RHODE ISLAND STATE/STATE ADMINISTERED property/other tax relief programs that are currently available? Please check one per row.

  Yes No
RI STATE: Senior Residents Property Tax Credit Program
Medicare Premium Savings Program
RI STATE: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefits
Housing & Living Situation

Question Title

* 39. How long have you lived in the Town of Little Compton? Please check only one.

Question Title

* 40. Which of the following best describes your status as a resident of Little Compton? Please check only one.

Question Title

* 41. Which of the following best describes your current place of residence? Please check only one.

Question Title

* 42. Do you rent or own your current place of residence? Please check only one.

Question Title

* 43. Who do you live with? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 44. Should your mobility become more limited, does your current residence have a bedroom and a bathroom on the entry level to better meet your self-care needs?

Question Title

* 45. Have you needed and been able to find the following services? Please check one per row.

  Yes No Have Not Sought this Service
Home and yard maintenance such as mowing the lawn, snow removal, or window washing
Everyday housework such as dusting and tidying up, laundry
Getting to appointments and running errands, such as shopping for groceries
Meal or grocery delivery
Assistance looking after your personal finances, such as making bank transactions or paying bills

Question Title

* 46. If your current residence needs home modifications/repairs (e.g., grab bars in showers or railings on stairs, new roof) to improve your ability to live in it safely for the next 5 years or more, can you afford to have the work done? Please check only one.

Question Title

* 47. Do you plan to stay in Little Compton for the next 5 years or more? Please check only one.

Question Title

* 48. How important is it to you to remain living in little Compton as you get older? Please check only one.

Question Title

* 49. What are your greatest concerns about your ability to continue living in Little Compton?

Question Title

* 50. In the next 5 years, if a change in your health or physical ability required that you move from your current residence, what kind of housing would you prefer? Please check your top choice.

Question Title

* 51. Would you support the development of a Senior Independent Living Complex (a mix of small residential units and multi-unit townhouses) in Little Compton?

Question Title

* 52. In terms of where to live in the future, how important are the following? Please check one per row.

  Very Important Somewhat Important Moderately Important Slightly Important Not at All Important
Staying in your home
The amount of upkeep required for your property
Affordability of housing
Staying in Little Compton
Being near or close to family and friends
Being near or close to amenities like shopping, restaurants, etc.
Being near or close to public transportation
Local programs and/or activities offered for seniors
Accessibility to food or meal services
Being near or close to a physician
Affordable home health care options including personal care, pharmacy pick-ups, chronic condition care management
Your Health & Well-being

Question Title

* 53. How would you rate your overall physical health? Please check only one.

Question Title

* 54. How would you rate your overall emotional well-being? Please check only one.

Question Title

* 55. I have been, or I have friends or family members who have been, affected by substance abuse (such as misuse of alcohol, prescription medication or illegal drugs).

Question Title

* 56. With respect to your health, do you: Please check one per row.

  Yes No
Have a health care agent or a health care proxy in place?
Have an impairment that limits your ability to participate in community or social activities?
Require help with household activities (e.g., preparing meals, cleaning, or yard work)?

Question Title

* 57. Do you have access to and eat nutritional food to maintain your health and well-being? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 58. Do you feel informed about what to do in the event of a weather or other local emergency? Please check all that apply.

Caregiver Support

Question Title

* 59. Do you now or have you in the past 5 years provided care or assistance to a person who is disabled or frail (e.g., a spouse, parent, relative, or friend)?

Question Title

* 60. If Q59 is yes (you have been a caregiver during the past 5-years): Did this person have any of the following conditions? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 61. If Q59 is yes (you have been a caregiver during the past 5-years): How challenging is/was it for you to care for this person(s) and meet your other responsibilities with family, your personal health, and/or work? Please check only one.

Question Title

* 62. If Q59 is yes (you have been a caregiver during the past 5-years): What supports were, or would have been, most valuable to you during your time providing care or assistance? Please check all that apply.

Thank you for participating in the Town of Little Compton’s Senior Survey. Your input is important. Survey results will be used to evaluate existing programs and services, and assess the future needs of the Town’s senior population. Please select the DONE button below to SUBMIT your survey.