The world is facing rapid increase of air conditioning of buildings. The trend towards cooling seems inexorable therefore it is mandatory to guide this development towards sustainable resilient solutions. In this context Resilient Cooling is used to denote low energy and low carbon cooling solutions that strengthen the ability of individuals and our community as a whole to withstand, and also prevent, thermal and other impacts of changes in global and local climates; particularly with respect to increasing ambient temperatures and the increasing frequency and severity of heat waves.
This survey seeks to picture the establishment of resilient cooling in the professional world.

Question Title

* 1. Please fill in your contact information

Question Title

* 2. Which country do you mainly work in?

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* 3. How are you involved in the building sector ? (multiple answers possible)

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* 4. Please indicate on which type of buildings your activities are focusing? (Multiple answers possible)

Question Title

* 5. Which of the technologies reducing heat loads to people and indoor environments and listed below... you consider as part of resilient cooling strategy? ...are you interested in? you apply?
Advanced solar shading/glazing
Advanced cool materials
Advanced glazing technologies
Ventilated façades
Green roofs, green facades, ventilated roofs and facades
Thermal mass

Question Title

* 6. Which of the technologies removing heat from indoor environments (production, emission and combined) and listed below... you consider as part of resilient cooling strategy? ...are you interested in? you apply?
Ventilative cooling
Adiabatic cooling
Compression refrigeration
Absorption refrigeration
Ground source cooling
Evaporative cooling
Sky radiative cooling
High temperature cooling

Question Title

* 7. Which of the technologies improving personal comfort apart from space cooling and listed below... you consider as part of resilient cooling strategy? ...are you interested in? you apply?
Comfort ventilation and elevated air movement
Micro-cooling and personal comfort control
Removing latent heat from indoor environments by desiccant humidification

Question Title

* 8. In the context of resilient cooling strategies which aspects would you consider most important? (multiple answers possible)

Question Title

* 9. Please indicate the importance of the following criteria to be met by resilient cooling? (table with ranking 1=not important to 5 = very important)

  1 2 3 4 5
Good thermal comfort during large part of the year
Good thermal comfort in extreme weather conditions
Good thermal comfort also with high internal loads
Good indoor air quality
Ease of control
Low energy consumption
Low CO2 emissions
Low costs
Low environmental impact (e.g. exhaust heat to surrounding)
Smart power management
High energy efficiency
High cost efficiency
Energy Flexibility
Passive Survivability

Question Title

* 10. What are in your opinion the bottlenecks and barriers for implementing resilient cooling strategies?

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
Standards are not appropriate
Regulations and requirements are not appropriate
Guaranteed performance cannot be met under all circumstances
Lack of good examples
Too big effort to design and implement in comparison with classical HVAC systems
Too big liability in case of failure or complaints

Question Title

* 11. Do you expect an increased use of resilient cooling strategies in your field of activities?

Question Title

* 12. Would you be interested to present one of your projects/technologies at an online meeting of experts and practitioners?

Question Title

* 13. Do you have suggestions for interesting manufacturers, architectural offices, consulting engineers, investors, etc. which we could contact for further exchanges?
Why are they of specific relevance?
If you have suggestions, can you please provide their contact information?

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* 14. Do you have specific questions/suggestions for us?

Question Title

* 15. Do you have any other comments?