MAIZE Demographics Survey

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* 1. What was your 2018 fall attendance?

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* 2. How did 2018 attendance compare to 2017?

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* 3. Which of the following factors most had an impact on your increase or decrease:

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* 4. How many days per week do you:

  n/a 1 or 2 3 4 5 6 7
Open to the public
Operate your haunted attractions
Operate field trips

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* 5. In addition to a corn maze, which of the following do you have on your farm?

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* 6. Which of the following food items do you sell on your farm?

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* 7. What seasons are you open to the public?

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* 8. Knowing that we will keep your name and/or information completely confidential, please select which of the following represents your farm's gross agritourism sales.

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* 9. What percentage of your gross revenue reflects the amount you spend on the following expense categories?

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* 10. What percentage does each category represent of your total fall revenue? (combined numbers should total 100%)

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* 11. This past season, what was your best:

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* 12. Which of the following social media tools did your farm utilize this past season?

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* 13. Rate your satisfaction with the following services provided by The MAiZE on a scale of one to five, with one being not satisfied and five being very satisfied (mark n/a if the choice does not apply):

  n/a 1 2 3 4 5
maze design
maze cutting
staff support, advice, availability
networking tools with fellow siteowners (corn party, facebook forum, etc.)
information & ideas shared (newsletter, online toolbox, etc.)
items available for purchase on shopping cart

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* 14. Is there any other feedback you'd like to share?

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* 15. If you are comfortable doing so, please answer the following questions. Doing this will allow us to respond to specific responses and suggestions that you might have provided in the previous survey questions. If you would prefer to keep your responses anonymous, you are welcome to skip these final questions.