We want to make your training experience with us as fruitful as possible. Please take a few minutes to let us know about your clinical training and experience providing reproductive health care.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Clinical Site
Where do you provide clinical care?

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* 3. How experienced are you with speculum insertion?

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* 4. How many speculum exams have you performed?
If you haven't performed any, please enter 0.

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* 5. How experienced are you with assessing the position of the uterus (anteverted vs midline vs retroverted)?

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* 6. How many endometrial biopsies have you ever performed? 
If you haven't done any, just enter 0.

Question Title

* 7. How many uterine aspirations have you ever done for miscarriage or abortion?
If you haven't done any, enter 0.

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* 8. How would you rate your own level of competence in IUD insertion?

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* 9. How many IUD insertions have you done?
If you haven't done any, just enter 0.

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* 10. How would you rate your own level of competence in IUD removal?

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* 11. How many IUD removals have you done?
If you haven't done any, just enter 0.

Question Title

* 12. How would you rate your own level of competence in progestin implant insertion?

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* 13. How many progestin implants (implanon or nexplanon) have you inserted on a simulator?
If you haven't inserted any, enter 0.

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* 14. How many progestin implants (implanon or nexplanon) have you inserted on a live patient?
If you haven't inserted any, enter 0.

Question Title

* 15. How would you rate your own level of competence in progestin implant removal?

Question Title

* 16. How many progestin implants (implanon or nexplanon) have you removed on a simulator?
If you haven't inserted any, enter 0.

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* 17. How many progestin implants (implanon or nexplanon) have you removed on a live patient?
If you haven't inserted any, enter 0.

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* 18. Have you attended a Merck Nexplanon Training?

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* 19. How would you rate your own level of competence in medical knowledge about IUDs/Implants (e.g., contraindications, knowledge of how to manage difficult insertions, giving patient anticipatory guidance)?

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* 20. How would you rate your own level of competence in patient-centered IUD and progestin implant counseling/communication?

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* 21. Is there anything else you would like to let us know about your clinical reproductive health experience and training?
Use this space to tell us about your formal training and experience providing reproductive health care.