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* 1. Student ID Number (begins with 90 or 88)

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* 2. Contact Information

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* 3. Date of Birth


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* 4. Did you receive a letter mailed to your home about the LA College Promise program?

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* 5. If yes, please enter the Tracking Code at the top of the letter

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* 7. When do you plan to start college?

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* 8. When did you (or will you) graduate high school?


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* 9. Please select your status 

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* 10. If you are a returning student, what college did you last attend?

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* 11. If you are a returning student, when did you last attend college (what semester and year - ex. Fall 2020)?

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* 12. What is your educational goal?

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* 13. How did you hear about the Los Angeles College Promise Program

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* 14. Do you have access to your own computer?

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* 15. Do you have reliable access to the internet?

I understand that the LA College Promise program requires that I be a first-time or returning college student, apply for Financial Aid and complete Orientation, Counseling and a Transition program to be eligible. I understand that I must maintain full-time enrollment and a 2.0 gpa and participate in success activities as defined by my college (including but not limited to meeting with my counselor or success coach, participating in tutoring, or attending workshops and events - which may be conducted virtually or in-person).

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* 16. I have read and agree to the above LA College Promise agreement