In response to member concerns, LeadingAge New York and the New York State Health Facilities Association (NYSHFA) are seeking to gather some information about the transition of Medicaid nursing home residents to managed care.  The brief survey below will help us identify priorities and help direct advocacy.  Please note that with the exception of questions 7 & 8, questions pertain to MEDICAID MANAGED LONG TERM CARE (MMLTC) PLANS ONLY, excluding mainstream Medicaid managed care plans and integrated plans such as PACE, MAP and FIDA.  We ask multi-facility organizations to complete a separate form for each home.  Survey data will be used in the aggregate and no facility-specific data will be disclosed.  We thank you in advance for your time.

Note:  None of the requested information includes HIPAA sensitive information.  Please do not include or attach any patient-identifying information.

Question Title

* 4. Is your home part of a multi-facility group under common ownership?

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* 5. Contact Information (Optional)

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* 6. With how many Medicaid Managed Long Term Care Plans (excluding mainstream, MAP, PACE & FIDA) does your home have network provider contracts?

Question Title

* 7. How many permanent residents in your facility were enrolled in MLTC and Mainstream Medicaid managed care as of Oct 1, 2016?

Question Title

* 8. How many of your permanent residents as reported in question #7 were enrolled in an MLTC and Mainstream Medicaid managed care plan with which your facility does NOT have a network provider contract?

Question Title

* 9. During 2016, have you received notification that your contract with an MLTC is being terminated or is not being renewed?

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* 10. Does your facility have any negotiated Medicaid rate arrangements with MLTC plans (i.e., do you have contracts that specify rates OTHER than the Medicaid benchmark rate)?

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* 11. Overall, how would you rate your relationship with the MLTC plans with which your facility contracts?

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* 12. What is the approximate average length of time from the submission of a clean claim to receipt of payment from MLTC plans to whose network your facility belongs?

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* 13. If you have concerns regarding Medicaid managed care, what are your two greatest concerns?

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* 14. Please add any other comments below, if desired.

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100% of survey complete.