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Do you use any natural remedies like Bach Flower Remedies, essential oils, healing sprays, smudging sticks or flower essences?
When it comes to choosing natural remedies, like these, for yourself and your family, what is the single biggest challenge, frustration or problem you've been struggling with? Please be as detailed and specific as possible.
Where do you usually buy natural remedies such as flower essences, essential oils, healing sprays or smudging sticks for yourself and your family?
Healthfood Store
Other (please specify)
Which brands of natural remedies such as flower essences, essential oils, healing sprays or smudging sticks have you bought before? (Please select as many as applicable).
Bach Flower Remedies
Australian Bush Flower Essences
Aura Sprays
Aura-Soma Products
Schuessler Tissue Salt Sprays
Other (please specify)
Out of the options below, what describes the 3 most important qualities when buying natural remedies such as flower essences, essential oils, healing sprays or smudging sticks for you and your family? (Select 3 options from the list below).
Trusted brand
I feel confident it will work
Reviews by other customers
Relieves symptoms
Makes me feel better
Remedies the problem I'm experiencing
It works!
Easy to use
Attractive packaging
Eco-friendly packaging
Locally made
Other (please specify)
Out of the options below, what describes the MOST IMPORTANT quality when buying natural remedies such as flower essences, essential oils, healing sprays or smudging sticks for you and your family? (Select one only)
Trusted brand
I feel confident it will work
Reviews by other customers
Relieves symptoms
Makes me feel better
Remedies the problem I'm experiencing
It works!
Easy to use
Attractive packaging
Eco-friendly packaging
Locally made
Other (please specify)
What benefits do you expect to experience by using a natural remedies such as flower essences, essential oils, healing sprays or smudging sticks? (Choose all that apply)
Feel energised
Feel calmer
Feel rejuvenated
Cleanse your energy
Feel more focused
Feel more confident
Feel more positive
Feel grounded & centred
Clear negativity
Feel happier
Have clearer boundaries
Feel more self loving & accepting
Feel more emotionally stable
Calm your thoughts
A sense of peace
Feel more grounded in your purpose
Feel like you are engaging your potential
Other (please specify)
Would a natural remedy tailored exactly to meet your specific needs interest you?
Prize Draw for 5 pack of Healing Sprays! Please enter your name and email address to win. Also, if applicable, please enter the name and email address of the person who refered you to double their chances of winning. Thank you! PS: the free shipping code is FREESHIPPING101 use at
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