Patient Experience Survey

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* 1. Who is your primary care giver?

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* 2. In this practice, when I call to get an appointment, I am able to get an appointment as soon as I feel I need one.

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* 3. When I call the office, I get an answer to my medical question as soon as I need it.

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* 4. My provider listens to my concerns and questions.

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* 5. My provider gives me easy to understand instructions about how to take care of my health problems or concerns.

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* 6. When my provider orders blood tests, x-rays, other tests, someone from the office follows up to give me the results.

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* 7. My provider communicates with other health professionals about my care (such as specialists, therapists).

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* 8. The nurses, receptionists, lab technicians and other staff treat me with respect and care.

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* 9. In the last 12 months, how often did someone in the practice ask you if there are things that make it hard for you to take care of your health?

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* 10. What type of insurance do you currently have?